The monotrons are sweet little analog toys to fiddle around with. And if you own one you have at least once thought about hacking it, right? Well, so did I and aimed at the monotron Delay. For the standard monotron a couple of resources for modders are available, and especially dinSync´s mod seems to work well for it. But the Delay version appears to handle things a little different…
The main issue is that the gate affects pitch and vice versae.
But only if you look at it from the input side, where you apply external signals to the respective testpoints. From an internal point of view the gate signal is simply derived from the same source as the pitch. So if you apply a +5V gate you are already exceeding the maximum frequency of the oscillator. This results in only a short
Tag Archives: modifications

Deluxe Electric Mistress v5 rate mod
I was pretty amazed by the effect an electric mistress can have on synthpads as demonstrated in this video. So I bought one of the latest reissues they released, which happens to be a v5. Here is a very informative resource on Electric Mistresses where I also got the schematics from, thanks to the creator of the page.

A-110-1 Standard VCO improved
While examining one of my A-110-1s to help answer a forum question I noticed that it was equipped with a TL064 op-amp. A quick look at the schematics revealed that it is part of the waveform generation. I am not an expert but from what I´ve learned, the 064 is usually not the first choice for audio applications. So just for fun I replaced it with a TL084 I had lying around.
CS15D channel 1 modification mainboard
This is a follow-up to the general modification article.
In an effort to come up with a more detailed documentation for the mod I made an annotated picture of the mainboard followed by some explanations:
Behringer VP1 LFO rate mod
Following a topic on a forum I modded my VP1 for slower sweeps of over one minute. Continue reading